The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe in its dance finale attire following its
issuesoriented performance as part of the Wheeling High School Operation
Snowball retreat at the high school on April 11, 2015.
(photo by Scott Harrington)
Click Bigger for a larger picture.
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe outside Central High School in DeWitt, Iowa
following an issuesoriented performance for Central School District
Intermediate and Middle School students (grades 69) on February 9, 2015.
(Photography by Harrington)
Click Bigger for a larger picture.
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe at Indian Trail Junior High School in
westsuburban Addison, Illinois following the first of two issuesoriented
performances on March 23, 2015.
(Photography by Scott Harrington)
Click Bigger for a larger picture. -
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe during its appearance on January 25, 2015
at St. Raphael Catholic Church in Naperville, Illinois for high school-age
Catholic youth groups from throughout Naperville and Aurora.
(Photography by Harrington)
Click Bigger for a larger picture.
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following the first of two performances on August 15, 2014 at Mannheim Middle School in Melrose Park, a nearwest suburb of Chicago. Currently enrolled at Mannheim are nearly a thousand students in grades 68 who live in or near Melrose Park, Northlake, and Franklin Park.
Shown are (from left at the top) Chad Sype, Zori Schiffman, Levi Ballard, Sophie Michael, Landon Ballard, Lindsay Kent, and Ashley Stonehouse.
Shown in the bottom row are Leah Ballard, Taylor Oechsel, Jillian Gomez, and Devaughn Sims.
Standing in the middle are the two newest and youngest MWAH! troupe members, Shannon Sype, age 8; and Max Sype, age 10.
(photo by Scott Harrington of Elmhurst, Illinois)
Click Bigger for a larger picture.
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe on October 6, 2014 outside LenaWinslow
High School, home of the Panthers, in Lena in northwest Illinois, near
Freeport. From left are Landon Ballard, Lindsay Kent, Sophie Michael, Zori
Schiffman, Levi Ballard, Chad Sype, Jillian Gomez, Leah Ballard, and Taylor
Oechsel. In front, holding the troupe banner, are Shannon and Max Sype. The
troupe had just finished an issuesoriented assembly in the school gym for
LenaWin students from grades 612.
(photos by Scott Harrington of Photography by Harrington)
Click Bigger for a larger picture.
Click Bigger for a larger picture.

Click Bigger for a larger Left picture.
Click Bigger for a larger Right picture..
A contrast in moods: The MWAH! troupe following its performance on January
13, 2014 at Assumption High School in Davenport, Iowa in the Quad Cities for
an audience of about 700 middle school-age students and staff members from
six schools in Davenport and DeWitt, Iowa and Colona, Illinois.
From left are Leah Ballard, Taylor Oechsel, Jacob Metoyer, Luke Ballard, Landon
Ballard, Zorian Schiffman, Devaughn Sims, Jillian Gomez, Joshua Payne, and
Rachel Plasch. Lying in front is Chad Sype. Not shown is Rob Delgado.
(photos by Scott Harrington of Photography by Harrington)

Shown outside Williamsfield High School with WHS senior Kristen LaFollette (far left) during their appearance at her school on April 28, 2014 are MWAH! troupe members (from left) Taylor Oechsel, Leah Ballard, Jillian Gomez, Joshua Payne, Landon Ballard, Jacob Metoyer, Rachel Plasch, Alex Oechsel, and Rob Delgado. In front are Chad Sype, Lilly Ballard, and Zori Schiffman. Kristen, a driving force for many of her school's activities, was responsible for the troupe appearing at her school.
(Photos by Scott Harrington of Photography by Harrington)
Click Bigger for a larger Left picture.
Click Bigger for a larger Right picture.


Click Bigger for a larger Left picture.
Click Bigger for a larger Right picture..
A contrast in moods: The MWAH! troupe following its performance on January
13, 2014 at Assumption High School in Davenport, Iowa in the Quad Cities for
an audience of about 700 middle school-age students and staff members from
six schools in Davenport and DeWitt, Iowa and Colona, Illinois.
From left are Leah Ballard, Taylor Oechsel, Jacob Metoyer, Luke Ballard, Landon
Ballard, Zorian Schiffman, Devaughn Sims, Jillian Gomez, Joshua Payne, and
Rachel Plasch. Lying in front is Chad Sype. Not shown is Rob Delgado.
(photos by Scott Harrington of Photography by Harrington)
Prior banners for MWAH! home page..
Recent Home-Page Photo History of MWAH!

For bigger photos, please click Here .
Inside and Outside from the stage inside to a sign outside with the name
of the host school the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following its
presentation on November 4, 2013 at Brooks Middle School in Bolingbrook,
(photos by Scott Harrington of Photography by Harrington)

Click Bigger for a larger picture.
Click Bigger for a larger Left picture.
Click Bigger for a larger Right picture.
An appearance by the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe at Blackhawk Middle School
in west-suburban Bensenville on May 6, 2013. Participating with the troupe
were Heather Briscolino of Rolling Meadows, whose teenage son, Quinn
Dombrow, and his best friend, Dustin Frazier, were killed in a high speed
crash near Galesburg in western Illinois; and Mike Elkins, Executive
Director of the Cebrin Goodman Center, named in memory of his cousin, who
died as a result of heroin addiction. Additional photos from Blackhawk may
be viewed as a video slideshow and a photo slideshow. (photos by Jeremy
Reed of Impact Life Photography)
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe during their appearance at Northeast High
School and Middle School in Goose Lake, Iowa on April 22, 2013, sponsored by
the high school's SADD Chapter (Students Against Destructive Decisions).
Additional photos from the stage of the new auditorium may be viewed as a
photo slideshow at Showcase / Photos. (photos by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life

Click Bigger for a larger picture.
Click Bigger for a larger picture.
Two appearances during the spring of 2013 by the MWAH! Performing Arts
Troupe in Menard County, northwest of Springfield - Athens High School in
Athens on March 18th and PORTA High School in Petersburg on April 8. Athens
and MWAH! dancers in upper left, PORTA and MWAH! dancers in lower left, and
the troupe in upper right at Athens with (front row from left) Mary Kay
Mace, Kay Daniel, and Bill Reed. Mary Kay Mace's daughter, Ryanne, was the
youngest of the five students shot to death at Northern Illinois University
in DeKalb on Valentine's Day of 2008; Kay Daniel heads the Menard County
School and Community Task Force, sponsor of the troupe's two Menard County
appearances; and Bill Reed is the principal of Athens High School and
coordinator for the troupe's visit to his school. (photo collage by Jeremy
Reed of Impact Life Photography)
Following its performance as part of the Livingston County Operation Snowflake retreat on March 9, 2013 the MWAH! troupe visited the Route 66 museum in downtown Pontiac, Illinois. From left are Chad Sype, Justice Henderson, Joshua Payne, Jacob Metoyer, Ashley Stonehouse, Sarah Saltiel, Taylor Oechsel, John Hix, Chris Oechsel, Jake Smith, and Rob Delgado. (photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)

Click Bigger for a larger picture. .
It was a snow day for the MWAH! troupe outside Abbott Middle School in
Elgin, Illinois on February 28, 2013. In front (from left) are Chad Sype,
Taylor Oechsel, Landon Ballard, and Luke Ballard. Standing behind them are
Alex Oechsel, Rachel Plasch, Jacob Metoyer, Jake Smith, Leah Ballard, John
Hix, Justice Henderson, Joshua Payne, and Rob Delgado. (photo by Jeremy
Reed of Impact Life Photography)

For a videoslideshow of additional photos of the MWAH! troupe's participation in the 2013 Quad Cities Youth Conference please click Here.
MWAH! troupe members at a riverfront park in downtown Davenport, Iowa on
January 23, 2013 following their keynote presentation and workshops as part
of the 27th annual Quad Cities Youth Conference. From left are Joshua
Payne, Alex Oechsel, Luke Ballard, Ashley Stonehouse, Leah Ballard, Justice
Henderson, Taylor Oechsel, Landon Ballard, Rachel Plasch, Rob Delgado, John
Hix, Sarah Saltiel, and Jacob Metoyer. (photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life

Outside the River Center in downtown Davenport, Iowa - site for the Quad
Cities Youth Conference on January 23-24, 2013 - are MWAH! troupe members
(from left) Leah Ballard, Taylor Oechsel, Joshua Payne, Luke Ballard, Sarah
Saltiel, Jacob Metoyer, John Hix, Rob Delgado, Ashley Stonehouse, Rachel
Plasch, Alex Oechsel, Landon Ballard, and Justice Henderson. (photo by
Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)
Island on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River. (photo by Jeremy Reed
of Impact Life Photography)

MWAH! troupe members inside the Skybridge in downtown Davenport, Iowa on a
frigid January 23, 2013 following their keynote presentation and workshops
at the nearby River Center, site for the 27th annual Quad Cities Youth
Conference involving high school and middle school students from throughout
the Quad Cities area of southeast Iowa and northwest Illinois. In the
background is the Centennial Bridge, which connects Davenport with Rock
Island on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River. (photo by Jeremy Reed
of Impact Life Photography)

(photo by Lakeisha Davis-Brooks of V.O.E. Photography of Matteson, Illinois)
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following its performance for about 700
students and staff members on December 3, 2012 at Palos South Middle School
in Palos Park, Illinois
In the front beneath the MWAH! banner is Landon Ballard.
Holding the banner are John Hix and Ashley Oechsel.
Behind the banner are (from left) Rob Delgado, Joshua Payne, Alex Oechsel,
and Jacob Metoyer.
In the top row are Sarah Saltiel, Rachel Plasch, Leah Ballard, and Justice
Henderson. |

Two views from a wooden foot-bridge near the Marseilles Elementary School in
Marseilles, Illinois where the MWAH! troupe appeared September 10, 2012.
Shown standing (from left) are Leah Ballard, Jacob Metoyer, Alex Oechsel,
Ashley Stonehouse, Taylor Oechsel, Jake Smith, Nick Miesuk, Rachel Plasch,
Justice Henderson, Sarah Saltiel, and Rob Delgado.
(photos by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)

Under the bridge...the feet!
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following its presentation at Galesburg
High School on October 9, 2012. Participating were the moms of two
teenagers killed in a single car crash near Wataga, northeast of Galesburg,
on August 10, 2011 - Dustin Frazier and Quinn Dombrow. The teens, who were
best friends, had been GHS students. Dustin's mom, Cindy Burns, is second
from left, and Quinn's mom, Heather Briscolino, is fourth from right.
Kneeling behind a photo of Dustin and Quinn is Marcus Ross, a GHS senior who
participated in the performance.
(photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)

A sunny day...a gentle breeze...and lots of falling leaves! It was
beautiful fall weather outside Galesburg High School following a performance
by the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe on October 9, 2012.
(photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)

The names say it all - both the troupe and the high school! (photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)
A show of patriotism by the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe from the inside
looking out at Galesburg High School following its presentation on October 9, 2012.
(photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)

Galesburg 10/09/2012 (3)
The name says it all!
(photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)
John Deere Middle School trip in Moline 08/27/2012
On steps from the bottom: Jake Smith, Shawn Conerton, Rachel Plasch, Nick
Miesuk, and Justice Henderson
In front of right tire from the left: Sarah Saltiel, Rob Delgado, and
Ashley Stonehouse (photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)
Get a load of this! MWAH! troupe members Mo Pitney and Shawn Conerton (left
of loader), Kyle Welton, Sarah Saltiel, Jacob Metoyer, Ashley Stonehouse,
Justice Henderson, Rob Delgado, Rachel Plasch, Jake Smith, Nick Miesuk, and
Blake Pitney (right of loader). (photos by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life
Chillin' by the Mississippi River in downtown Moline following their MWAH!
performance on August 27, 2012 at the nearby John Deere Middle School are:
(from left) Nick Miesuk, Justice Henderson, Rob Delgado, Blake Pitney, Mo
Pitney, Ashley Stonehouse, Rachel Plasch, Jake Smith, Kyle Welton, Jacob
Metoyer, Sarah Saltiel, and Shawn Conerton.
And together...we are...(from the top clockwise) Mo Pitney, Nick Miesuk,
Kyle Welton, Ashley Stonehouse, Rob Delgado, Sarah Saltiel, Jake Smith,
Blake Pitney, Shawn Conerton, Rachel Plasch, Justice Henderson, and Jacob
Metoyer. The spot is near the Mississippi River in downtown Moline,
Illinois, following the MWAH! performance in nearby John Deere Middle
Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute photos 072412
The MWAH! keynote performance on July 24, 2012 for the Cebrin Goodman Teen
Institute at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington concluded with an
smashing dance mix involving most of the troupe members and about a dozen
CGTI participants. (photos by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)
With other MWAH! troupe members watching, Sarah Saltiel, Rob Delgado, Jake
Smith, and Rachel Plasch celebrate a blazing hot day in front of the Joslin
Atrium at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington following their
keynote presentation for the Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute on July 24, 2012.
The outdoor temperature in the shade was 100 degrees.
While strolling the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington
following their performance at the Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute in the IWU
Memorial Center, nine of the 14 troupe members pause for one of Jeremy's
scenic campus shots. Seated on the ledge is Justice Henderson. Standing on
it from the left are Jake Smith, Alex Oechsel, Rob Delgado, Luke Frees,
Taylor Oechsel, Rachel Plasch, Ashley Stonehouse, and Sarah Saltiel.
Atrium at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington following their
keynote presentation for the Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute on July 24, 2012.
The outdoor temperature in the shade was 100 degrees.
While strolling the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington
following their performance at the Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute in the IWU
Memorial Center, nine of the 14 troupe members pause for one of Jeremy's
scenic campus shots. Seated on the ledge is Justice Henderson. Standing on
it from the left are Jake Smith, Alex Oechsel, Rob Delgado, Luke Frees,
Taylor Oechsel, Rachel Plasch, Ashley Stonehouse, and Sarah Saltiel.
Camp Tuckabatchee home page photos 051912

A leap of faith for the MWAH! troupe at Camp Tuckabatchee, near Ottawa,
Illinois, as part of the Operation Snowflake retreat for Ottawa area middle
school students on May 19, 2012. From left are Chris Honn, Kyle Welton, Rob
Delgado, Jake Smith, Wynd Ridenour, Ashley Stonehouse, Taylor Oechsel, Mason
Ridenour, Sarah Saltiel, Justice Henderson, Chris Oechsel, Rachel Plasch,
Alex Oechsel, and Shawn Conerton. A slideshow of additional photos from this
event may be viewed at Showcase/Photos on this website. (photos by Jeremy
Reed of impactlifephotography.com of Ottawa)
MWAH! troupe members taking in the sounds and sights of nature at Camp
Tuckabatchee near Ottawa before their performance as part of an Operation
Snowflake retreat for middle school students from surrounding communities.
Kyle's looking for them. Can you find the other 13 MWAH! troupe members at
Camp Tuckabatchee?
Additional photos from this event may be viewed as part of the Camp
Tuckabatchee slideshow at Showcase/Photos on this website.
Benet Academy in Lisle, Illinois - 031912

Shown in this MWAH! group photo from the Benet Academy performance on March 19, 2012 are (front, left to right): Ashley Stonehouse, Rachel Plasch, and Justice Henderson.
Second row: Sarah Saltiel, Shawn Conerton, Rob Delgado, Mason Ridenour, Christian Honn, and Christopher Oechsel.
Third row: Alex Oechsel, Kyle Welton, Jake Smith, Wynd Ridenour, Taylor Oechsel, and Erin Oechsel.
(photos by Scott R. Harrington)
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe appeared at Benet Academy in Lisle,
Illinois on March 19, 2012, as part of the school's 125th anniversary of its
founding. Participating as part of the troupe for this special performance
were Erin, Christopher, Alex, and Taylor Oechsel from Naperville. Erin,
completing her senior year in music-theater at Ball State University, is a
graduate of Benet, and her brother and a sister currently attend Benet
Christopher a graduating senior and Alex a sophomore. A younger sister,
Taylor, attends Washington Junior High School in Naperville.
The finale of the 90-minute issues-oriented presentation was an energized
dance mix that included about 25 additional Benet students who had rehearsed
with the troupe.
Blue Ridge Junior High School in Mansfield - 021312

MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe at Blue Ridge Junior High School in Mansfield,
Illinois on February 13, 2012
Seated in front is Justice Henderson. Directly behind Justice are (from left): Taylor Oechsel, Ashley Stonehouse and Mason Ridenour
Standing are Kyle Welton, Alex Oechsel, Christian Honn, Jake Smith, Rachel Plasch, Chris Oechsel, Wynd Ridenour, Sarah Saltiel, and Lexi Parr.
Photo by Greg Taylor Photography in Mansfield, Illinois
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe with its banner at Blue Ridge Junior High
School in Mansfield, Illinois on February 13, 2012
Kneeling in front are (from left): Justice Henderson and Mason Ridenour.
Behind the banner are (from left): Kyle Welton, Taylor Oechsel, Alex
Oechsel, Christian Honn, Jake Smith, Rachel Plasch, Chris Oechsel, Ashley
Stonehouse, Wynd Ridenour, Sarah Saltiel, and Lexi Parr.
Photo by Greg Taylor Photography of Mansfield, Illinois
The members of the youthful MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe as they appeared at
Wallace Grade School near Ottawa, Illinois on October 11, 2011 are
row from left) Ashley Stonehouse, Taylor Oechsel, Chris Honn, and Chris
(In the second row are) Jake Smith, Mason Ridenour, and Wynd
(In the third row are) Shawn Conerton, Rachel Plasch, Rob
Delgado, Alex Oechsel, Lexi Parr, and Sarah Saltiel. (photo by Jeremy Reed
of Impact Life Photography)
The MWAH! troupe members in a show of support for one another on the
playground behind Wallace Grade School near Ottawa, Illinois on October 11, 2011.
(photo by Jeremy Reed of Impact Life Photography)
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe on stage at Mannheim Middle School in
Franklin Park, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago, on August 19, 2011.
Attending the two 90-minute presentations as part of a kick-off for the new
school year were about 850 students in grades 6-8 who live in or near
Franklin Park, Melrose Park, and Northlake.
Shown in the first row (from left) are Lexi Parr, Chris Oechsel, Chris Honn,
Mason Ridenour, Wynd Ridenour, and Taylor Oechsel. Shown behind them are
Shawn Conerton, Sarah Saltiel, Alex Oechsel, Rob Delgado, Jake Smith, and
Ashley Stonehouse.
(Photo by Scott R. Harrington Photography by Harrington)
Included in this group photo following the MWAH! performance as part of the
Illinois Teen Institute at Western Illinois University in Macomb on July 20,
2011 is former troupe choreographer Steve Brewster from Odessa, Texas (third
from left, standing, wearing an orange shirt) who returned to work with the
troupe in dance intensive rehearsals July 25-29. Also shown is State
Representative Norine Hammond of Macomb (fourth from left, standing, who
spoke during the MWAH! performance on current laws in Illinois regarding
teen driving and cyber-bullying; and Simon Rodriguez, former troupe cast
member and current troupe board member, who has transferred from Waubonsee
Valley College to Illinois State University. Also shown is Simon's sister,
Vanessa (kneeling in front, far left), who has begun her freshman year at
Western Illinois University. Current troupe members shown are (from left in
front) Lexi Parr, Michael Todd Emery (assistant director of troupe and board
member), Wynd Ridenour, Rob Delgado, Rachel Plasch, Taylor Oechsel, and
Christian Honn. Standing, from left, are Simon Rodriguez, Blake Pitney,
Steve Brewster, Rep. Norine Hammond, Shawn Conerton, Alex Oechsel, Sarah
Saltiel, and Jake Smith. For additional photos from this performance,
please go to Showcase, then Photo Gallery. (Photo by David Linnenburger of
Shooting Stars Photography in Macomb, Illinois).
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe on the stage of Princeton Township High
School in Princeton, Illinois on April 11, 2011. For additional photos from
the troupe's two Princeton performances for high school and junior high
students, please go to the showcase / photo gallery here Here . (Photo by Jeremy Reed of Ottawa, Illinois)
A music slideshow of MWAH! at Princeton Township High School in Princeton, Illinois on April 11, 2011
for students from PTHS as well as from Logan Junior High School in Princeton.
(Photography by Jeremy Reed)
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following a performance for grades 6-8 at Bryan Middle School in Elmhurst, Illinois on February 7, 2011. Seated in front is Taylor Oechsel. Kneeling behind her are (from left) Shealeigh Voitl, Lexi Parr, Rob Delgado, Mason Ridenour, and Shawn Conerton. Standing are Jake Smith, Alex Oechsel, Christian Honn, Christopher Oechsel, Wynd Ridenour, and Sarah Saltiel.
For a slideshow of additional photos from this performance, please go to Showcase/Photo Gallery. Bryan Middle School #2. Showcase/Photo Gallery Showcase/Photo Gallery
(Photography by Harrington Studio in Elmhurst)
For news videos about the MWAH! troupe at the Quad Cities Youth Conference in Davenport, Iowa, on January 24-25, 2011, go to the video segment from the Paula Sands Live show aired January 24 Here (select #39) and the Quad Cities Today news show aired January 25 both on KWQCTV (NBC) Here (select #38)
Collage 2010
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following its performance on December 17,
2010 at Palos South Middle School in Palos Park, Illinois. In front from
the left are Taylor Oechsel and Shealeigh Voitl. Behind the troupe banner
from the left are Erin Oechsel, Wynd Ridenour, Christian Honn, Simon
Rodriguez, Jake Smith, Christopher Oechsel, Alex Oechsel, Sarah Saltiel,
Mason Ridenour, Shawn Conerton, and Rob Delgado.
(photo by La Keisha Davis of V.O.E. Photography, Inc.)
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe has just completed a 90-minute performance
for an audience of about 700 students and staff at Freedom Middle School in
Berwyn, Illinois on November 8, 2010. Seated in front from left are Taylor
Oechsel and Daniel Hutchinson. Behind the troupe banner from left are
Darien Hutchinson, Wynd Ridenour, Jake Smith, Christopher Oechsel, Shawn
Conerton, Sarah Saltiel, Rob Delgado, Alex Oechsel, Mason Ridenour,
Christian Honn, and Simon Rodriguez (troupe alumnus). Several troupe
members were absent from this performance. (photo by Jamilla Yipp
Photography in Berwyn)
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following a performance for grades 5-8 on
October 4, 2010 at Marseilles Elementary School in Marseilles, Illinois.
For more photos from this performance, please click showcase/photo gallery.
(photo by Annette Barr Photography Studio in Ottawa, Illinois)
MWAH! troupe member Rob Delgado shouts out the name on the banner at River Ridge High School near Hanover, Illinois on October 18, 2010. Additional photos from this performance may be viewed as a slideshow in the photo gallery of the showcase page.
(photo by George Bookless Studio in Galena, Illinois)
Several MWAH! alumni joined current members on May 24, 2010, at Yorkville
Middle School. The 90-minute issues-oriented performance was the opening
event for the school's two weeks of Academic Olympics activities.
(photo by George Bookless Studio in Galena, Illinois)
Additional photos from this Yorkville Middle School performance may be viewed as a slideshow in the photo gallery of the showcase page.
Performing as the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe at Churchville Middle School
in Elmhurst, Illinois, on April 16, 2010, are in the front (left to right)
Whitney McDermott, Alexandra 'Lexi' Parr, Alexandra 'Alex' Oechsel, and
Mason Ridenour. In the middle is Taylor Oechsel, who's next to Christian
Honn. Behind them are Patrick Foran, Sarah Saltiel, and Christopher Oechsel.
These troupe members are from seven different cities and towns from northern
Illinois and Chicago's western suburbs. (photos by Scott R. Harrington)
Additional photos from this performance may be viewed as two separate slideshows in the photo gallery of the showcase page one of various scenes from the performance, the second a sequence of photos from the abusive relationship piece.
Cast members of the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe quickly posed for a group photo immediately before their 90-minute
show on March 12, 2010, in the gym of Erie High School in Erie, Illinois on their third visit to Erie within the
past five years. The audience consisted of high school and middle school students from both Erie and Riverdale
school districts. For more photos from this performance, please see the slideshow in the Showcase->Recent photos gallery
The photos were by Daniel Williams of Lifeworks Imaging in Rochelle, Illinois.
MWAH! 2009
The MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe following its 90-minute performance at the
Rochelle Middle School in Rochelle, Illinois, on December 18, 2009. For more photos from this performance, please see the 32-photo slideshow in showcase->photo gallery.
The photos were taken by Daniel Williams of Lifeworks Imaging in Rochelle. Arranging for the
appearance of MWAH! in Rochelle was Joe Swartz, the middle school principal.
This was the troupe's second appearance at this school in three years - both
on the last day before the holiday break.
Andy Jackson, prevention specialist with Sinnissippi Centers, Inc. in Dixon
and Mt. Carroll, Illinois, prepared this collage of photos he took during
MWAH! performances at Sterling High School (November 9, 2009) and Rock Falls
High School (December 7, 2009). Addressing the Rock Falls audience as part
of a reality piece called 'We Will Remember You' is Leticia Stark, mother of
George Terrazas, who had been a track star at Waubonsie Valley High School
in Aurora before committing suicide at the age of 18. George's mom pleaded
for students to seek help for themselves and for others they may know who
show signs of depression.
(collage 2009) A sampling of a MWAH! performance in the Centennial Auditorium at Sterling High School on November 9, 2009. The collage was prepared by Spencer Schein, health educator for the Whiteside County Health Department, the lead agency of a community task force sponsoring the troupe's visits to Whiteside County - Sterling High School on November 9 and neighboring Rock Falls High School on December 7. Also participating in the Sterling event were two other high schools from Sterling - Newman Central Catholic and Christian High School - and eighth grade students from Sterling Middle School.
(collage photos by Lynne Schweppe and Andy Jackson)
MWAH! 2008
(collage 2008) A compilation of photos from various performance venues of the MWAH!
Performing Arts Troupe during the 2008-2009 school year. This collage was created by Michael Todd Emery.
MWAH! 2007
(collage 2007) A compilation of photos from various performance venues of the MWAH!
Performing Arts Troupe during the 2007-2008 school year. This collage was created by Michael Todd Emery.